s d memorial sr. sec. school


The school belongs to the students as much as it belongs to the faculty. It should be a place of learning where every child feels comfortable and encouraged to use his/her potential to accrue knowledge.  The objective of this code is to provide a sense of safety and security to the school community which is protected by around 120 surveillance cameras in the campus. So it is the duty of every student to make school a positive and welcoming place for all.

THE CODE OF CONDUCT spells out the expected rules regarding learner’s behavior and disciplinary system to be implemented by the school.

A) General Conduct

  • COURTEOUS –Every student should show respect to fellow students, parents, guardians, teaching and non-teaching staff and should always greet them.
  • POLITE AND THOUGHTFUL – Students should be very polite wherever they go and always remember that the school is judged by the behavior and conduct of its students. Use of indecent language will invite stern action immediately.
  • AVOID BULLYING AND TEASING – Students are not allowed to hurt any other student physically or mentally inside or outside the school.  Engaging in bad behavior, fights and quarrels can lead to physical injuries.
  • RESPONSIBLE- Responsibility starts at a young age. The student would make sure that he/she does his/her work regularly, helps his/her friends and takes part in school activities. Taking responsibility builds confidence and strengthens self- esteem.
  • HEALTH IS WEALTH- Good health is a treasure to keep. Students maintaining good health can focus more on their tasks and can learn better. Students are warned not to buy any unhygienic eatable from the vendors outside the school. In case of   illness student should not come to school. Stay at home if suffering from contagious diseases like Measles, Chicken-pox, Mumps, Conjunctivitis and resume back with medical fitness certificate.
  • PERSONAL UPDATE – Communication gap in an academic environment can hamper the efficiency of the educational system. It is vital for every student to share updated personal details with the school. Any change in the contact details like name, address or phone number has to be intimated to the class teacher timely with the written consent by the parents. Each student will ensure that his /her complete set of mandatory official documents are submitted to the school.
  • CODE OF LANGUAGE- Importance of English can be seen in all aspects of our lives. In order to acquire a good command of the English language which is the medium of instruction for all subjects and the code of language in school, children should interact in English within the classrooms and in the school premises and should be motivated to converse in English at home also.
  • PARENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT- Students should ensure their regularity, punctuality and decent behavior. They should always show the messages and remarks given by the teachers to their parents. All messages, answer sheets and report card should be countersigned by the parents and returned to the teacher after acknowledgment within the stipulated time.
  • DISCIPLINE MANAGEMENT- Students should be aware of school discipline management system. (I) Verbal Warning by the Discipline Incharge, (II) Written warning, (III)  Issue Pink Slip (Inform the Parents through voice call), (IV) Issue Yellow Slip (Meeting with parents) and  (V) Red Slip (Warning for Termination of a student from the school ).
  • FOLLOW QUEUE-Walking in lines in school create a secure environment and a sense of order and safety. Students must follow line system while coming out from the classes. Running is not allowed on the stairs and in the corridors. Do not rush or push anybody at anytime.
  • EXCHANGING MONEY AND VALUABLES- Students should not bring valuable things like mobile phones, expensive wrist watches, jewelry items, large sums of money to school. Lending or borrowing of money or valuable articles is strictly prohibited. School cannot be held responsible for the loss of any valuable thing.
  • BIRTH DAY CELEBRATION- Birthday celebrations should be kept simple. Decent and comfortable clothing that adheres to the school’s dress code can be worn by the students on their birthdays. Any kind of gathering or celebrations outside the school campus is not allowed.
  • RESPONSIBLE SOCIAL MEDIA USE – Social media has become an integral part of every student’s life since the pandemic.  Excess use of media has a negative impact on the academic performance of the students. Cultivate a positive and authentic online persona.
  • GREEN GOOD DEEDS – Environment fulfills our needs so we all should protect it. It is the moral duty of each member of the school community to contribute to a safe, secure school environment and keeping school campus and classrooms clean. Throw trash like food waste, wrappers, pencil shavings in the bins provided. The students should respect the beauty of the classroom and of the school premises and report any damage they may observe.
  • SAVE RESOURCES – Make the judicious use of resources like water and electricity. Turn off the faucets after use and switch off the electricity while leaving the classrooms.

B) Uniform and Dress Code

  • UNIFORM MY PRIDE – Students should take pride in wearing school uniform and should come to school in neat, clean and well ironed uniform.
  • AVOID DISTRACTIONS – It is of utmost importance for every student to look clean, tidy and presentable in the school and avoid all types of distractions and extremes of fashions.
  • FOR BOYS – Fancy hair-cuts like Punk or Fade hair-cuts , beards, ear-piercing , accessories like metal chains, expensive wrist watches , wrist bands and thumb bands ,designer shoes , threads  around neck ,de-odorants are strictly not allowed.

    Boys are not allowed to keep beard and have to come well groomed. Boys must keep their hair short and ensure that hair is cut regularly in the decent style approved by the school. Avoid hair gels in school.

  • FOR GIRLS – Girls should carry two braids in case of long hair and short hair must be properly pinned up. Hair bands, hair gel, fancy clips, cosmetics like lip-gloss, neck chains, designer shoes are strictly not allowed. Applying nail paints, nail-art, tattoos, heena not allowed. All students should have clipped nails.
  • STUDENT IDENTITY CARD- It is mandatory for each student to wear I-card during the school hours. In case of loss/damage or change of card due to some amendments, a written request signed by the parents and through the class teacher should be submitted at the reception for the issuance of the new I-card on payment.
  • LAB-ETIQUETTES- It is compulsory for the students of classes IX-XII to wear Lab-coats in Chemistry lab.  No student should scratch, spoil or cause damage to any item in the labs and not expected to fiddle with the chemicals placed on the shelves. Handle the apparatus properly and carefully.


  • REACH ON TIME –Adhere to the school timings and reach your class before the final bell rings. Late comers can be asked to go back.
  • AVIOD SELF-DRIVEN VEHICLE – No student is allowed to come to school in self –driven vehicle like two wheelers. Students coming by bicycle should park it properly at the place.
  • Students who come to school under the care of parents, rickshaw-pullers and van drivers must not leave the school before they arrive to take them back. No student is permitted to leave school during school hours. In case of emergency with the consent of the parents, the student has to take exit slip from the reception .
  • Students who commute alone must go home straight instead of visiting friends or relatives without informing parents.


  • BAG ACCORDING TO TIME TABLE-The students should bring bag according to the daily class schedule. Ensure to carry lunch with you while leaving for the school.
  • ALMANAC- Homework diary is to be brought and maintained on regular basis. A student can be asked to change the diary on tearing off any of its pages or improper maintenance.
  • AVOID SHARP OBJECTS –No student should bring sharp objects like scissors, cutter and blade to the classroom.
  • RESPECT FOR SCHOOL PROPERTY-Care must be taken of the school property and no one is allowed to scratch or spoil the furniture, carving derogatory words on toilet or classroom walls, mishandling lab equipments, touching electric boards, removing captions from the notice boards.
  • ASK FOR PERMISSION-During slot changing no student is allowed to leave the class without taking permission from the teacher or student council members.
  • TIMELY SUBMISSION OF WORK – Students must submit homework, class assignments or any other allotted work to the concerned teacher within the stipulated time.
  • CLASS-PARTICIPATION –Every student should try to participate in class discussions and should prepare well for every examination. Participation in various school activities is useful for overall development.


  • Every student must have at least 80% attendance to appear in the Half yearly and the Annual exams. A prize for 100% attendance is awarded to the students by the end of the academic year.
  • Always submit an application duly signed by the parents at the reception before taking any leave.
  • Irregular students, habitual idleness among the students, neglect of homework, late arrivals, disobedience or the conduct harmful to the discipline of the school will be seriously dealt with.
  • The school reserves the right to take disciplinary action against any student whose behavior is a bad example for other students.

General guidelines For Parents

The school believes in discipline and in firmness. Parental support is the cornerstone of a child’s holistic development, and at SDMS, we celebrate the pivotal role you play in shaping your child’s journey. Kindly adhere to the following guidelines to ensure a positive and enriching experience for both you and your child throughout the academic year.

  • Parents are requested to co-operate with the school in its attempt to help in the progress of their ward by paying attention to the regularity, punctuality, discipline and by taking interest in their performance in scholastic as well as co-scholastic activities.
  • Parents must ensure that the mobile number given for SMS alerts is functional and if there is a change in the address or mobile number, the information must reach the school authority timely.
  • Parents must check the school website periodically in order to remain updated with the school activities.
  • Parents are requested to avoid making any social engagements or medical appointments of their ward during school working hours.
  • Leave for half day should not be asked for security reasons. In an emergency, written permission must be taken from the school authority. Anybody who comes to collect the student must carry the parent I- card issued by the school authority.
  • Parents are requested not to give the children valuable articles like expensive watches, pens, cell phones, jewellery etc. to bring to school. In case of any loss, the school authorities shall not take any responsibility for the loss.
  • Parents are requested to acknowledge all the academic reports of their ward promptly, be it the Report card, answer sheets, assessment sheets or anything of similar nature .
  • Please avoid criticizing the school or teacher in the presence of your child. You are welcome to put forth your suggestions and complaints at the school reception in a respectful and positive manner, highlighting specific issues and proposing constructive solutions.
  • Clarify that transportation to school falls under the responsibility of parents, as the school does not offer any transportation services. Parents should arrange for their child’s commute to and from the school premises.
  • Parents are advised and suggested to ensure that the private mode of transport used to send their ward to the school should  not be overcrowded and the children are comfortably seated.
  • Parents must ensure that their ward carries nutritious and well packed lunch before leaving for the school.
  • Emphasize the importance of parents adhering to a proper dress code when visiting the school for any reason. Maintain a professional and respectful appearance during school visits to set a positive example for the students.
  • Prioritize attendance at Parent-Teacher Meetings (PTMs) to stay informed about your child’s academic progress, social development, and overall well-being. Adhere to the time-slot during PTMs.